
至於La Promessa是我們用一周的時間內配到OK的成果,給學姐鼓勵吧!

女高音 Soprano / 顏君如 Chun-Ju Yen
鋼琴 Piano / 陳芳晨 Fang-Chen Chen

My Heart Is Like A Singing Bird

C.Rossetti 詩   H.Parry 曲

My heart is like a singing bird
Whose nest is in a watered shoot;
My heart is like an apple tree
Whose boughs are bent with thickset fruit;
My heart is like a rainbow shell
That paddles in a halcyon sea;
My heart is gladder than all these
Because my love is come to me.
Raise me a dais of silk and down;
Hang it with vair and purple dyes;
Carve it in doves and pomegranates,
And peacocks with a hundred eyes;
Work it in gold and silver grapes,
In leaves and silver fleur-de-lys;
Because the birthday of my life
Is come, my love is come to me.

La Promessa

P.Metastasio 詞  G.Rossini 曲

Ch'io mai vi possa lasciar d'amare,
no, nol credete, pupille care;
nemmen per gioco, nemmen per gioco,
nemmen per gioco v'ingannero,
no,no,nemmen per gioco v'ingannero.
Voi sole siete le mie faville,
e voi sarete, care pupille,
il mio bel foco sin ch'io vivro, ah!...


宋斌廷 詞  尚德義 曲

小蜜蜂採花嗡嗡的哩, 啊啊啊嗡嗡的哩
花蝴蝶起舞翩翩的哩, 啊啊啊翩翩的哩
輕風兒吹來悠悠的哩, 綠浪兒捲動滾滾的哩
啊~~ 啊~~, 迷人的畫卷連天山
七月的草原真美麗, 真美麗~~

羊群像雲朵白白的哩, 啊啊啊白白的哩
毡房像銀星閃閃的哩, 啊啊啊閃閃的哩
小伙子賽馬快快的哩, 姑娘的服飾多彩的哩
啊~~啊~~, 歡樂的百靈唱不停
七月的草原真美麗, 七月的草原真美麗
啊~~啊~~, 七月的草原真美麗


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